A Lot Spanish Translation
- quite a lot:
- masse; abondance; multitude; profusion; grande quantité; tas; amas; montagne; foule; motte; monceau
- assez; pas rien
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Detailed Translations for quite a lot from English to French
quite a lot:
quite a lot [the ~] noun
the quite a lot(a whole lot; mass; multitude; heap; load; lot)
la masse; l'abondance; la multitude; la profusion; la grande quantité; le tas; l'amas- masse [la ~] noun
- multitude [la ~] noun
- grande quantité [la ~] noun
- amas [le ~] noun
the quite a lot(a whole lot; lots; tons)
l'amas; la multitude; la grande quantité; la montagne; la masse; la foule; le tas; la motte; le monceau- amas [le ~] noun
- grande quantité [la ~] noun
- masse [la ~] noun
- tas [le ~] noun
- monceau [le ~] noun
the quite a lot(heap; lot)
l'amas; le tas- amas [le ~] noun
A Lot Translation To Spanish
quite a lotadj

quite a lot(rather a lot)
assez; pas rien- assezadj
English To Spanish
Translation Matrix for quite a lot:
Old Spanish To English Translation
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
abondance | a whole lot; heap; load; lot; mass; multitude; quite a lot | abundance; affluence; excess; excessiveness; exuberance; luxury; multitude; overabundance; overflow; profusion; surplus |
amas | a whole lot; heap; load; lot; lots; mass; multitude; quite a lot; tons | bunch; crowd; heap; lot; pile |
foule | a whole lot; lots; quite a lot; tons | brood; brooding; bunch; clutter; common herd; crowd; drove; flock; flow; gang; group; heap; herd; horde; influx; load; lot; mob; multitude; pack; party; pile; rabble; ragtag; riff-raff; riffraff; rush; scum; sitting; squash; stampede; troop; troupe; vermin; wattle |
grande quantité | a whole lot; heap; load; lot; lots; mass; multitude; quite a lot; tons | |
masse | a whole lot; heap; load; lot; lots; mass; multitude; quite a lot; tons | accumulation; bunch; clot; clutter; common herd; crowd; drove; flock; gang; gathering; group; heap; herd; horde; load; lot; lump; mob; multitude; pack; party; pile; piling up; sledge hammers; troop; troupe; wattle; weight |
monceau | a whole lot; lots; quite a lot; tons | heap |
montagne | a whole lot; lots; quite a lot; tons | heap; mountain |
motte | a whole lot; lots; quite a lot; tons | clot; lump; peat; peat moor; peat-soil; peaty soil; sod; turf |
multitude | a whole lot; heap; load; lot; lots; mass; multitude; quite a lot; tons | countless |
profusion | a whole lot; heap; load; lot; mass; multitude; quite a lot | abundance; affluence; luxury; multitude; profusion |
tas | a whole lot; heap; load; lot; lots; mass; multitude; quite a lot; tons | accumulation; bag and baggage; bunch; caboodle; crowd; heap; heaps; hotchpotch; load; lot; pile; piles; piling up; rick; stack; stacks |
Modifier | Related Translations | Other Translations |
assez | quite a lot; rather a lot | considerably; enough; fairly; pretty; quite; rather; reasonably |
pas rien | quite a lot; rather a lot |

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