A Sloth Treats Some Guy

Go to the kitchen and get a GRUB JUICE HYDRATION CYLINDER from the HUNGER TRUNK as well as your PUSHER PLAYBOOK from the table. Go back to the game room and use your psionics on the door. Grab some SLOTH TREATS. Use them to move your Lusus. Nov 28, 2017 - Explore Kathryn Goodrich's board 'Sloth Cakes', followed by 346 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about sloth cakes, sloth, sloth birthday.

While The Sloth is a mostly functional adult, sticking with this guy will suck the life out of you. The longer you stay the more he’ll take the wind out of your sails and keep you both floating aimlessly in the doldrums. Plus, when you ditch him, he’ll be so indifferent it was like you were never there to begin with.

Sloth just wants this guy to f. off so he can chill out on his pole Hattie Gladwell Monday 21 Mar 2016 12:11 pm Share this article via facebook Share this article via twitter Share this article. Lil Baby Fire in the Booth Lyrics: Man like Lil Baby in the building! / Yeah, yeah, yeah / It's your boy Lil Baby, fire in the booth / Charlie, what's happenin'? / You ready for this, my guy?

I did literally zero research before going to Costa Rica. In my defense, my friend Iris, a food writer, contacted me only a few days before she was set to arrive. She explained that her original travel companion had bailed on her and asked if I would by chance be available to meet her in Costa Rica in 5 days.

At that time I knew two things: The food would be amazing and there are definitely sloths in Costa Rica.

So really, what else did I need to know? I bought my ticket immediately, and Costa Rica did not disappoint.

Hey You Guys Sloth

The food was incredible, everything from the traditional breakfast to chocolate from the rainforest was delicious, but the true highlight of my trip was hanging out with sloths. While Costa Rica seems to be lousy with these slow moving and adorable creatures, getting close to one proved to be more difficult than I thought. This is definitely an area I should have researched before showing up and expecting to hang out with sloths on my balcony while I sipped on mimosas. So if you want to know where to go, I’ll save you the trouble.

I want to hug all the sloths in Costa Rica

The internet is full of amazing sloth videos. Adorable fuzzy creatures just crawling all over people, being the cuddly balls of awesome that sloths are 24/7. So, I assumed that once I got myself into some sort of sloth rescue center, I would be able to just bury myself in sloths. I learned two very important things.

  1. Sloths have super long claws and if you scare them in the wild, they will totally tear you up. The sloth in this photo is being freaking adorable and using its huge claws to tuck itself in for a nap, but for real, look at those claws. You don’t want to wake her up unexpectedly.

2. Most animal rescue organizations have now changed their rules and do not allow any physical contact with the sloths. This is more for their health than for your safety as rescued sloths are obviously used to some human contact from their caretakers. However, exposing the sloths to unnecessary human contact could be harmful to their health.

I’m not going to lie, I was pretty devastated that no one would let me hug any sloths, but I was still quite determined to see some up close.

The most well known place to visit sloths in Costa Rica is the Sloth Sanctuary, which is a good 5 hours from where I was staying, a fact I did not know until I was already in Costa Rica, and thus unable to make any reservations to get there. I’ve read and heard nothing but good things about this place, but if you want to go there, you will need to organize your trip around getting to that area. I only had 5 days in Costa Rica and the hotels we had booked were no where near this place. It just wasn’t possible for me to see the Sloth Sanctuary on this trip.

Luckily, Iris realized how crucial it was for me to see some sloths up close and personal, so she did a lot of Googling until she discovered The Toucan Rescue Ranch, which happened to be about an hour from where we were staying (Alajuela). The ranch is an easy trip from the San Jose airport, so it’s much more accessible for anyone staying in that area.

A Sloth Treats Some Guy Meme

It’s so much more than toucans

The name of this animal rescue center is a bit misleading because it started as a rescue center only for toucans. However, in a country like Costa Rica where road closures and transportation issues can be a problem, injured animals tend to end up in whatever place can provide any semblance of care for them. Slowly, the Toucan Rescue Ranch became home to owls, then some parrots, and then it expanded outside of the bird realm and ended up with a wide variety of animals, everything from their playful otter, Emma, to a couple of adult sloths and a forever changing population of baby sloths. I could write an entirely different article about all the different animals they work with, but for now, I want to tell you all about sloths.

Buy a slothTreats

Sloths belong in the wild

What I loved about the Toucan Rescue Ranch is that the dedicated employees and volunteers do their very best to return as many animals as they can to the wild. If an injured animal is delivered to them, they assess the situation and determine whether the animal can be released back into the wild after receiving treatment. This is why they only had 2 adult sloths when I visited. The two adults were not fit for release, so they will live out their days at the Toucan Rescue Ranch.

Bella, a happy permanent resident of the Toucan Rescue Ranch.

Fact: Sloths are the only animal that can look equal parts creepy and cute all at the same time.

Save the baby sloths!

The baby sloths that end up at the ranch needing treatment are taken care of and raised with the intention of being released back into the wild. This was another reason we were allowed to get very close to them, but not quite touch them. These little guys are going to have to fend for themselves someday, so they can’t get too attached to humans.

That did not, however, stop me from getting incredibly attached to them.

Baby two-toed sloths, hanging out in a rocking chair

This guy kept climbing the chair to try to get close to me. I love him.

These people know their stuff

I was very impressed by the staff’s knowledge of and dedication to the animals. Each time an unexpected animal arrives, they rush to figure out the best way to care for it. Over the years they have custom built many different enclosures to house their animals. Their sloths are left alone to be lazy, sleep, and eat. While they will attempt to coax them out with things like their favorite treat, a hisbiscus flower, they will never force the sloths or any other animal to visit with guests. The animals’ happiness and comfort come first, the visitors are just there to observe. The staff have videos, photos, and plenty of stories to share, so you will learn a lot about the different animals they house there.

How to visit or help

A sloth treats some guy

If you are interested in visiting the the Toucan Rescue Ranch, you have to make a reservation in advance, so contact them via their website or give them a call. Don’t be confused by the Nevada address, that’s just where the business began. I assure you, they are in Costa Rica, and a reasonable distance from the San Jose airport.

You can also work as a volunteer (long term volunteers are preferred) or donate to help their cause. The people at this ranch are incredible, and the animals are definitely worth visiting!

image via – youtube.com

There are quite a few videos online that feature easy going, wide eyed sloths. The adorable slow moving creatures are loved by many people the world over and it’s easy to see why. They’re always well behaved and very docile, gentle, and non-aggressive in their mannerisms and movements.

It’s in their nature to be sheepish but sometimes the furry little creatures just want to cuddle up close with a warm body and be loved, like the one in this clip.

The video was captured at the Sloth Sanctuary in Costa Rica, a special place that offers visitors a chance to get up close and personal with the sloths that live there. One of the visitors who had gone to see the residents and interact with them gingerly offered up a colorful Hibiscus flower to one of the sloths.

The flowers are a tasty treat that sloths love, but the one in the video was more interested in the lady than the yummy snack. The adorable animal slowly made her way over to the woman and paused to smell the pink flower, then kept going until she was in a spot where she could climb into the woman’s arms.

A Sloth Treats Some Guy Likes

Ever so slowly the sloth extended her legs towards the delighted woman until she was in her arms hugging her! The friendly sloth definitely made the woman’s day, she couldn’t stop smiling, and it looks like everyone there was happy as could be!

The Sloth Sanctuary is devoted to rescuing, rehabilitating, and releasing sick or injured sloths who call the country’s rain forests home. They also run a variety of research and education programs which aim to promote respect and understanding of the gentle animals.

Many people are misinformed about sloths and part of the reason why is the negative associations people assume about them based off their name. Sloths got their unflattering name due to the fact that they move so slowly.

However, they are built for this and are not the lazy, sluggish, lethargic mammals that many often view them as. Sloths only move when necessary because they need to conserve as much energy as possible due to their diet consisting of mainly leaves.

Leaves provide little energy and are hard to digest, which is why sloths have specialized stomachs that slowly break down leaves. It often takes them a month or more to completely digest the contents of their stomachs.

A Sloth Treats Some Guy

Other ways in which they conserve energy include low metabolic rates and low body temperatures, and of course, slow paced movements. Sloths are wonderful, fascinating creatures and one of nature’s sweetest animals.

Black Guy Sloth Face

Check out the video to see how kind and gentle they truly are, and fall in love with them.

What Is A Sloth Animal

A Sloth Treats Some Guy

A Sloth Treats Some Guy Ate

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