Occasions Dongen

  • Publication: Analog Science Fact -> Fiction, November 1960Publication Record # 56731 (View All Issues) (View Issue Grid)
  • Editor:John W. Campbell
  • Date: 1960-11-00
  • Publisher:Street & Smith Publications, Inc.
  • Price: $0.50
  • Pages: 180
  • Format:
  • Type: MAGAZINE
  • Cover:Analog Science Fact -> Fiction, November 1960 by H. R. Van Dongen [as by Van Dongen]
  • Webpages:drive.google.com
  • Notes:Oct. 1960←Nov. 1960→Dec. 1960Vol 66, No 3Cover for: 'Occasion for Disaster' (untitled in the magazine)The full text and images of this edition are available at Luminist.org, see web page for link.

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Cover art supplied by Galactic CentralEditor Title:Analog Science Fact -> Fiction - 1960 • [Astounding / Analog (1937-1971)] • (1960) • edited by John W. Campbell, Jr. [as by John W. Campbell]

Contents (view Concise Listing)

  • 4 • The Literal-Minded Type • [Editorial (Analog)] • essay by John W. Campbell, Jr. [as by The Editor]
  • 8 • Occasion for Disaster (Part 1 of 4) • [Psi-Power] • serial by Randall GarrettandLaurence M. Janifer (book publication as Supermind 1963) [as by Mark Phillips]
  • 8 • Occasion for Disaster (Part 1 of 4) • interior artwork by H. R. Van Dongen [as by Van Dongen]
  • 18 • Occasion for Disaster (Part 1 of 4) [2] • interior artwork by H. R. Van Dongen [as by Van Dongen]
  • 27 • Occasion for Disaster (Part 1 of 4) [3] • interior artwork by H. R. Van Dongen [as by Van Dongen]
  • 38 • Occasion for Disaster (Part 1 of 4) [4] • interior artwork by H. R. Van Dongen [as by Van Dongen]
  • 49 • Occasion for Disaster (Part 1 of 4) [5] • interior artwork by H. R. Van Dongen [as by Van Dongen]
  • 51 • In Times to Come (Analog, November 1960) • [In Times to Come (Analog)] • essay by The Editor
  • 52 • The Crackpot • short story by Theodore L. Thomas
  • 52 • The Crackpot • interior artwork by Douglas
  • 61 • The Crackpot [2] • interior artwork by Douglas
  • 68 • The Piebald Horse • short story by E. C. Tubb
  • 68 • The Piebald Horse • interior artwork by Gardner
  • 75 • The Piebald Horse [2] • interior artwork by Gardner
  • 83 • The Electric Field Rocket • [Science Fact (Analog)] • essay by H. C. Dudley, Ph.D.
  • 95 • Instrumentation for the Dean Drive • [Science Fact (Analog)] • essay by John W. Campbell, Jr. [as by John W. Campbell]
  • 99 • The Analytical Laboratory: August 1960 (Analog, November 1960) • [The Analytical Laboratory] • essay by The Editor
  • 99 • The Analytical Laboratory: September 1960 (Analog, November 1960) • [The Analytical Laboratory] • essay by The Editor
  • 100 • Sunspot • short story by Hal Clement
  • 100 • Sunspot • interior artwork by John Schoenherr [as by Schoenherr]
  • 108 • Sunspot [2] • interior artwork by John Schoenherr [as by Schoenherr]
  • 115 • Sunspot [3] • interior artwork by John Schoenherr [as by Schoenherr]
  • 120 • Oomphel in the Sky • [Federation] • novelette by H. Beam Piper
  • 120 • Oomphel in the Sky • interior artwork by Bernklau
  • 128 • Oomphel in the Sky [2] • interior artwork by Bernklau
  • 139 • Oomphel in the Sky [3] • interior artwork by Bernklau
  • 147 • Oomphel in the Sky [4] • interior artwork by Bernklau
  • 154 • Oomphel in the Sky [5] • interior artwork by Bernklau
  • 159 • The Reference Library: Three Roads to Hell (Analog, November 1960) • [The Reference Library] • essay by P. Schuyler Miller
  • 159 • Review: The Last Day by Helen Clarkson • review by P. Schuyler Miller
  • 160 • Review: When the Kissing Had to Stop by Constantine FitzGibbon • review by P. Schuyler Miller
  • 163 • Review: The Little Men by Joseph E. Kelleam • review by P. Schuyler Miller
  • 163 • Review: The Other Side of the Moon by J. B. Sykes • review by P. Schuyler Miller
  • 165 • Review: A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter M. Miller, Jr. • review by P. Schuyler Miller
  • 166 • Review: Night of the Big Heat by John Lymington • review by P. Schuyler Miller
  • 167 • Review: The Aliens by Murray Leinster • review by P. Schuyler Miller
  • 167 • Review: The Haunted Stars by Edmond Hamilton • review by P. Schuyler Miller
  • 169 • Brass Tacks (Analog, November 1960) • [Brass Tacks] • essay by uncredited
  • 170 • Letter (Analog, November 1960) • essay by Donald Kingsbury
  • 173 • Letter (Analog, November 1960) • essay by John D. Clark, Ph.D. [as by Dr. John D. Clark]

Primary Verifications

VerifierDateTypeLast User Activity Date
Hall37302008-04-10 11:26:15Permanent2010-12-09
Swfritter2008-10-15 10:36:10Transient2015-08-06
Hauck2011-09-28 11:31:16Permanent2018-06-29
Teddybear2012-03-23 15:30:29Permanent2015-07-13
Rkihara2017-01-10 14:13:19Permanent2020-12-10
Dave8882020-10-22 16:43:06Permanent2021-01-31

Secondary Verifications

Clute/NichollsN/AAlvonruff2006-12-20 18:14:17
Clute/GrantN/AAlvonruff2006-12-20 18:14:17
Contento1 (anth/coll)N/AAlvonruff2006-12-20 18:14:17
Locus1N/AAlvonruff2006-12-20 18:14:17
Reginald1N/AAlvonruff2006-12-20 18:14:17
Reginald3N/AAlvonruff2006-12-20 18:14:17
TuckVerifiedBluesman2012-06-10 18:16:07
Miller/ContentoVerifiedAlvonruff2006-12-20 18:14:17
Bleiler1 (Gernsback)N/AAlvonruff2006-12-20 18:14:17
CurreyN/ABluesman2012-06-10 18:16:07
Bleiler SupernaturalNot Verified
Bleiler78N/ABluesman2012-06-10 18:16:07
OCLC/WorldcatNot Verified
Bleiler Early YearsNot Verified


When he arrived in Paris on July 12, 1897, Van Dongen had only a few paintings under his arm and an almost empty suitcase with two meager notebooks and a few stray pencils. The artist survived on a few odd-jobs here and there. Returning to Rotterdam’s red light district, Van Dongen would live among the pretty ladies of the night, selling the odd sketch here and there to local papers.

Back in Paris for the second time in 1900, Van Dongen would do some portraiture work for local, illustrated journals. Lady luck would finally smile at him. Fénéon, the famous art critic of the time, published a few of his sketches in the Revue Blanche and showed them to Vollard, the famous art dealer, who decided to exhibit his work. At the time, Van Dongen lived at 23, lace Ravignac – later to be known the world over as the Bateau Lavoir. Sketching for the satirical journal the “Assiette au Beurre” for which he would illustrate entire issues on several occasions, Van Dongen was finally making a living and could devote himself to painting.

Voogd Occasions Dongen Review

He quickly became one of the key figures of the Fauvist movement. This striking character with his full, red beard, dressed in a sailor’s white uniform became, with Picasso, one of the big stars of the Bateau Lavoir. His paintings are dominated by an extreme sensitivity. To the artist, the very act of painting was in itself like quenching a carnal desire. Like Vlaminck, Van Dongen created his own style without studying at the School of Fine Arts.

Voogd Occasions Dongen

He would move on to high society portraiture work (Brigitte Bardot sat for him in 1954), but remained ever faithful to a somewhat violent chromatic style remaining from his Fauvist years.

Occasions Done Right In Hurst Tx
