Plotsquared World Generator Multiverse


Upgrading to the new generator if you do have Multiverse or MultiWorld: Open the worlds.yml file found inside the Multiverse or MultiWorld folder. For each plotworld, change the generator name from 'PlotMe' to 'PlotMe-DefaultGenerator' If this does not work, copy and paste the bukkit.yml information from the setup page in your bukkit.yml file. 21:29:08 Server thread/INFO: WorldGuard Loaded configuration for world 'test' 21:29:08 Server thread/WARN: Multiverse-Core WorldManager: Can't load this world because the folder was deleted/moved: AirshipConquest 21:29:08 Server thread/WARN: Multiverse-Core Use '/mv remove' to remove it from the config!

  1. I don't see any syntax or documentation to edit the nukkit.yml Do I also need to install 'PlotSquared' or a similar world generator, or will Nukkit do world generation for me? I'm happy to continue researching, I just want to make sure I head in the right direction (nukkit, world generator or other).
  2. Multiverse, which allows us to have several worlds in the same server. We currently have Avathra, the survival world, Torindyr, the mining and industrial world, and New Saiba, the market world. We plan to add a creative world in the near future, and I'm considering setting up custom world generators to make some new and interesting worlds for.

Stake your claim to your very own plot in the UniversalCraft Plots server! Let your imagination run wild as you build freely in creative mode complete with flying mode and WorldEdit fully enabled. You can even merge adjacent plots together if you need even more room to complete your design masterpiece.

We use the very latest “version 5” of the highly regarded PlotsSquared plugin to bring you a great “plots” experience at UniversalCraft. We have also installed the optional Plots2Dynmap plugin extension as well so details of owned and unowned plots are included in the dynamic map for this server shown below. This should make it much easier to find an unclaimed plot in a nice neighborhood

There is no Nether or The End on the UniversalCraft Plots server.

To transport yourself to the Plots server, type: /server plots

Dynamic Map


Server Configuration

When running the PlotSquared world creation wizard, we used the following values so as to create much larger plots than normal:

Generator: PlotSquared
World type: normal
Plot height: 32
Plot width: 70
Plot block: minecraft:stone
Plot floor block: minecraft:grass_block
Top wall block: minecraft:stone_slab
Wall block (claimed): minecraft:sandstone_slab
Place or not the top block: true
Road width: 16
Road height: 32
Road block: minecraft:gray_concrete
Wall filling block: minecraft:stone
Wall height: 32
Plot bedrock generation: true

Plotsquared World Generator Multiverse

The Plots server has the following modified configuration values:


Plotsquared World Generator Multiverse Mod

allow-end: false



Plotsquared World Generator Multiverse Generator

Special thanks to the following players for their schematics which we have made use of on this UniversalCraft server.

Plotsquared world generator multiverse

Intel GA-Z270-Phoenix Gaming (rev 1.0) (Gigabyte) by MatthewStevenGo, available at:

Plotsquared World Generator Multiverse

The Simpsons Duff Zeppelin by DaxesMC, available at: