Hr Quotes Inspirational

Posted in Human Resource, Quotes and Quotes Only, Training & Development

“You can have the best strategy and the best building in the world, but if you don’t have the hearts and minds of the people who work with you, none of it comes to life.” “Financial resources may be the lifeblood of a company, but human resources are the brains.” “So often, the problem is in the system, not in the people, If you put good people in bad systems, you get bad results. But even managers have their low days, and like everyone else, could do with some motivation to maintain a positive influence on those they work with. We asked experts to share their favorite quotes that helped them stay focused as leaders and decision-makers throughout their careers. Here are the top 28 inspiring management quotes from the pros.

Hr Quotes Inspirationalon Jul 6th, 2014 1 comment

Popular HR Quotes by Industry Experts and Management Scholars

We have compiled 50 top notch hr quotes from doyens in the field of business and management that will sure fire inspire you with creative ideas.

1. “Great Vision Without Great People Is Irrelevant.”

2. “Human Resources Isn’t A Thing We Do. It’s The Thing That Runs Our Business.”

3. “You Need To Have A Collaborative Hiring Process.”

4. “You Can’t Teach Employees To Smile. They Have To Smile Before You Hire Them.”

5. “Never Hire Someone Who Knows Less Than You Do About What He’s Hired To Do.”

6. “When Hiring Key Employees, There Are Only Two Qualities To Look For: Judgement And Taste. Almost Everything Else Can Be Bought By The Yard.”

7. “Recently, I Was Asked If I Was Going To Fire An Employee Who Made A Mistake That Cost The Company $600,000. No, I Replied, I Just Spent $600,000 Training Him. Why Would I Want Somebody To Hire His Experience?”

8. “It’s More Than Just Selling Pizzas. It’s Being A Good Fit For The Community. We Hire Based On The Betterment Of The Community As Much As Anything.”

9. “You Can Have The Best Strategy And The Best Building In The World, But If You Don’t Have The Hearts And Minds Of The People Who Work With You, None Of It Comes To Life.”

10. “I am convinced that nothing we do is more important than hiring and developing people. At the end of the day you bet on people, not on strategies.”

11. “Do Not Hire A Man Who Does Your Work For Money, But Him Who Does It For The Love Of It.”

12. “If You Think Hiring Professionals Is Expensive, Try Hiring Amateurs”

13. “The Key For Us, Number One, Has Always Been Hiring Very Smart People.”

14. “Time Spent On Hiring Is Time Well Spent.”

15. “I Hire People Brighter Than Me And Then I Get Out Of Their Way”

16. “You Cannot Push Anyone Up The Ladder Unless He Is Willing To Climb.”

17. “Management Is Nothing More Than Motivating Other People.”

18. “There Are Few, If Any, Jobs In Which Ability Alone Is Sufficient. Needed, Also, Are Loyalty, Sincerity, Enthusiasm And Team Play.”

19. “When People Go To Work, They Shouldn’t Have To Leave Their Hearts At Home.”

20. “One Machine Can Do The Work Of Fifty Ordinary Men. No Machine Can Do The Work Of One Extraordinary Man.”

21. “To Find Joy In Work Is To Discover The Fountain Of Youth.”

22. “One Of The Symptoms Of An Approaching Nervous Breakdown Is The Belief That One’s Work Is Terribly Important.”

23. “Opportunity Is Missed By Most People Because It Is Dressed In Overalls And Looks Like Work.”

24. “Far And Away The Best Prize That Life Offers Is The Chance To Work Hard At Work Worth Doing.”

25. ”Being Busy Does Not Always Mean Real Work. The Object Of All Work Is Production Or Accomplishment And To Either Of These Ends There Must Be Forethought, System, Planning, Intelligence, And Honest Purpose, As Well As Perspiration. Seeming To Do Is Not Doing.”

26. “Going To Work For A Large Company Is Like Getting On A Train. Are You Going Sixty Miles An Hour Or Is The Train Going Sixty Miles An Hour And You’re Just Sitting Still?”

27. ”When Your Work Speaks For Itself, Don’t Interrupt.”

28. “The World Is Full Of Willing People, Some Willing To Work, The Rest Willing To Let Them.”

29. “People Might Not Get All They Work For In This World, But They Must Certainly Work For All They Get.”

30. “In Order That People May Be Happy In Their Work, These Three Things Are Needed: They Must Be Fit For It. They Must Not Do Too Much Of It. And They Must Have A Sense Of Success In It.”

31. “So Much Of What We Call Management Consists In Making It Difficult For People To Work.”

32. ”Nothing Is Really Work Unless You Would Rather Be Doing Something Else.”

33. “Real Success Is Finding Your Lifework In The Work That You Love.”

34. “The More I Want To Get Something Done, The Less I Call It Work.”

35. ”The Important Work Of Moving The World Forward Does Not Wait To Be Done By Perfect Men.”

36. “Whenever It Is In Any Way Possible, Every Boy And Girl Should Choose As His Life Work Some Occupation Which He Should Like To Do Anyhow, Even If He Did Not Need The Money.”

37. ”I’m A Great Believer In Luck, And I Find The Harder I Work The More I Have Of It.”

38. ”You’ve Achieved Success In Your Field When You Don’t Know Whether What You’re Doing Is Work Or Play.”

39. “The Test Of The Artist Does Not Lie In The Will With Which He Goes To Work, But In The Excellence Of The Work He Produces.”

40. “The Secret Of Joy In Work Is Contained In One Word – Excellence. To Know How To Do Something Well Is To Enjoy It.”

”Plans Are Only Good Intentions Unless They Immediately Degenerate Into Hard Work.”

41. “Success In Business Requires Training And Discipline And Hard Work. But If You’re Not Frightened By These Things, The Opportunities Are Just As Great Today As They Ever Were.”

42. The Only Vital Value An Enterprise Has Is The Experience, Skills, Innovativeness And Insights Of Its People

-Leif Edvinsson, Swedish Intellectual Capital Guru In Corporate Longitude (2002)

43. The Soft Stuff Is Always Harder Than The Hard Stuff

-Roger Enrico, Vice Chairman Of Pepsico, Referring To Areas Like Hrm As Opposed To Quantitative Factors In Fortune, November 27th, 1995

44. I Believe In The Adage: Hire People Smarter Than You And Get Out Of Their Way

45. Do You Want To Spend The Rest Of Your Life Selling Sugared Water Or Do You Want A Chance To Change The World?

-Steve Jobs Of Apple Computer, Inviting John Scully, Then President Of Pepsico, To Join Apple In Fortune, September 14th, 1987

Human Resources Quotes And Sayings

46. The Baring Family Lost Its Bank Because The Management Overempowered One Individual

47. Take Our 20 Best People Away, And I Will Tell You That Microsoft Would Become An Unimportant Company

48. True Motivation Comes From Achievement, Personal Development, Job Satisfaction, And Recognition

49. If An Institution Wants To Be Adaptive, It Has To Let Go Of Some Control And Trust That People Will Work On The Right Things In The Right Way

-Robert B. Shapiro, Ceo Of Chemical Company Monsanto In Harvard Business Review, Jan-Feb 1997

50. Always Recognize That Human Individuals Are Ends, And Do Not Use Them As Means To Your End

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In an effort to demonstrate Rise’s commitment to supporting companies in building a better workplace through an all-in-one HRIS software solution, we like to provide encouragement to human resources pros with inspiring HR quotes for specialists in the people-oriented field.

Related reading: How to Build a Positive Remote Company Culture and Why It Matters

We’ve put together this roundup of 12 wise words on instilling a company culture at your organization that inspires your people.

Quote #1

Hr Inspirational Quotes For Employees

“It’s important to create a culture of innovation — one that both values and rewards risk.” – Barbara Landes

Quote #2

“Make sure everybody in the company has great opportunities, has a meaningful impact and is contributing to the good of society.” – Larry Page

Quote #3

“A big part of our people-first culture is treating people with respect and transparency.” – Arne Sorenson

Quote #4

“Be passionate about the culture and the business, and remain positive because it inspires others.” – Barry Liber

Quote #5

“A hallmark of a healthy creative culture is that its people feel free to share ideas, opinions, and criticisms.” – Ed Catmull

Quote #6

“Culture is what motivates and retains talented employees.” – Betty Thompson

Hr Quotes Inspirational

Quote #7

“Our secret weapon for building the best culture is open and honest feedback.” – Gina Lau

Quote #8

“The greatest asset of a company is its people.” – Jorge Paulo Lemann

Quote #9

“Culture is about making people feel good about how they contribute to the whole.” – Tracy Streckenbach

Quote #10

“Company culture is the continuous pursuit of building the best, most talented, and happiest team we possibly can.” – Andrew Wilkinson

Hr Quotes Inspirational

Hr Motivational Quotes

Quote #11

“Being a great place to work is the difference between being a good company and a great company.” – Brian Kristofek

Quote #12


“Culture is simply a shared way of doing something with a passion.” – Brian Chesky

Did we miss any of your favourite quotes? Let us know on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram — we’d love to hear from you!