Tsotsi Chapter 7 Summary

  1. Chapter 7 Summary Animal Farm
  2. Chapter 7 Summary Lord Of The Flies
  3. Chapter 7 Summary Great Gatsby
  4. Tsotsi Chapter 7 Summary Chapter 1

Tsotsi hides the baby in the ruins (Chapter 4) 3.b.5. The funeral of Gumboot Dhlamini, Boston’s recovery and Tsotsi’s reunification with Butcher and Die Aap (Chapter 5) 3.b.6. Tsotsi’s encounter with Morris Tshabalala (Chapters 6 and 7) 3.b.7. Tsotsi finds a replacement mother in Miriam Ngidi (Chapter 8) 3.b.8. Tsotsi’s childhood. Tsotsi Athol Fugard Chapter 1 ANSWERS 1. The novel is about the main character Tsotsi. His name is the title of the novel and the cover has a photograph of the actor who played the role of Tsotsi in the film. The book starts off at Tsotsi’s house when Die Aap comes over. Tsotsi has to hide the baby under his bed. The gang ends and tsotsi explains that to die aap. Then after Miriam comes to tsotsi’s room and helps take care of David, because he needs mother’s milk. After she left, tsotsi took David to the ruins and hid him there.

Chapter 7 Summary Animal Farm

Chapter Summaries

Chapter 7:


Tsotsi has been stalking Morris. Seeing Morris move reminded Tsotsi of something; the yellow dog he had when he was younger. The dog and Morris both lost the use of their legs. Because of this realization Tsotsi has become more interested in talking to Morris. Tsotsi’s stalking of Morris led to something that Tsotsi has never felt before. Tsotsi felt sympathy for him. The two men finally came in contact. Morris thought that Tsotsi wanted his money, but when he laid the money on the sidewalk, Tsotsi just kicked it aside. Morris and Tsotsi have along conversation about how and why Morris lives. Tsotsi comes to understand that even though Morris is a cripple, he values life. Morris tells Tsotsi that mothers do love their children, something that didn’t believe. Tsotsi recognizes that he has choices and he chooses to let Morris live.

Chapter 8:

The condensed milk attracted ants. Tsotsi turns to the baby and finds that it is in terrible condition. Tsosti cleans it up and sees that the milk isn’t good any longer and he has to find some. The baby was desperate. Tsotsi goes to the water well and finds Miraim Ngidi. Tsotsi kidnaps her and threatens her that he will kill her child if she doesn’t come help. Miriam’s husband, Simon, left and never returned. Miriam cleans up the baby and feeds it.

Chapter 9:

Being with Morris has sparked a flashback to his childhood with his mother and grandmother. He remembers all the good times and how he always felt happiness and comfort at home. During the passport raid, Tsotsi’s mother was taken away. She always told Tsotsi what to do in dangerous situations. She promised she would be back, but never returned. Tsotsi hid in a hen coup when an intruder – Tsotsi’s father – came into the backyard and kicked his dog in anger. The dog lost the use of his back legs and later miscarries its puppies. Tsotsi remembers the name he was given as a child, David. This symbolizes the innocence he had as a child. Tsotsi was walking on the streets and was approached by a gang. They ask him a few questions and suggest that he goes back to the pipes by the river with them. Petah a member of the gang offered Tsotsi a place to sleep in his pipe. Petah said that in order to be a part of the gang he was going to have to commit an act of violence and Tsotsi. Tsotsi decided that violence was an act of the past. Tsotsi knew that violence was not worth it. He woke up one night and left the boys. After the raid, the boys had come together and Tsotsi had learnt one thing, to watch for the weakness of sympathy and compassion for others weaker than yourself.

Chapter 10:

Die Aap goes to Tsotsi’s place because he doesn’t have anywhere to go. Boston and Butcher are both gone. Tsotsi doesn’t really seem to care that die Aap doesn’t have a place to go; he tells Die Aap to leave. After Die Aap leaves Tsotsi holds the baby and realizes that the baby is him. The baby didn’t look like it was doing too good, but he really wanted it to stay alive. Miriam Ngidi came to feed the baby. Tsosti named the baby David and Miriam disagreed and said “Are you his father?” Miriam asks one thing of Tsotsi and that is if she could have the baby but Tsotsi says that the baby is his. Miriam leaves Tsotsi with some milk for the baby and after she leaves, Tsotsi hides the baby in the ruins and leaves wondering the whereabouts of Boston.

Chapter 11:

Tsotsi found Boston at a shebeen and carries him back to the ruins to his place. Since Tsotsi remembered some of his past, he wants redemption because he beat up Boston. Boston tells Tsotsi about his past. He was a pretty smart kid, went to university however didn’t have much luck with the girls. When Boston was in his final year of high school, he attempted to rape another student and as a result he was expelled. Boston became broke. He met a man named Johnboy Lethetwa. Tostsi and Johnboy forged signatures to make money. Tsotsi starts to ask questions about God to Boston and Boston notices a change in Tsotsi. Before Boston left, Tsotsi offered him some sour milk and bread.

Chapter 12:

Tsotsi goes to the church to seek redemption and forgiveness from God for all the sins he has committed. After, Tsotsi returns to the ruins where Miriam is feeding the baby. When Miriam tells Tsotsi that her milk is sour, she means that her life, heart and life is sour without her husband. Tsotsi understands that you have to leave the past and look to the future. Tsotsi comes to realize that mothers do really love their children. Tsotsi announces that his name is David Madondo. Tsotsi left the baby in the ruins and he hears bulldozers heading there. He runs back and tries his best to save the baby. But just as he got there, it was too late. As he took the baby the walls came crashing down killing both of them. As the remains were uncovered there was a smile on Tsotsi’s face; he died happy knowing he did his best trying to save that baby.

Chapter 1

Tsotsi, Boston, Butcher and Die Aap sit around the Tsotsi’s room drinking beer in silence, waiting for him to specify what job they will do that night. Tsotsi decides they will head to the train station where their unsuspecting victim, Gumboot Dhlamini, begins to head home to his wife. Tsotsi targeted Gumboot for three reasons: he smiled, he wore a flaming red tie, and he bought his ticket with money from his pay packet. After everyone does their part in the murder and robbery, they leave gumboots lifeless body on the train to be discovered by the other passengers.

Chapter 2

Chapter 7 Summary Lord Of The Flies

Tsotsi, Butcher, Boston, and Die Aap head to Soekie’s house after the murder to have a few drinks. As they start drinking, they begin to talk about Boston getting sick and throwing up during the murder of Gumboot. Boston claims that the only reason he got sick and the others didn’t was because he has decency unlike the rest of them. As the conversation advances Die Aap and butcher take Rosie, a girl who was also in Soekie’s house, outside to rape her. When the others leave Boston begins to question Tsotsi about what he feels. This breaks one of Tsotsi’s rules: never ask questions. Tsotsi begins to get irritated by all the questions about Tsotsi’s personal life. Tsotsi eventually has enough and brutally beats Boston leaving him in Soekie’s place beaten half to death.

Chapter 3

Chapter 7 Summary Great Gatsby

After beating Boston, Tsotsi leaves the she been and takes a walk through the street. As he walks, he begins to have a flashback, he sees a boy named Petah being taken away by the police, as he is being taken away, he looks down the street and recognizes Tsotsi as David, his name before he changed it to Tsotsi. Tsotsi does not acknowledge the fact that Petah recognized him and just continues his game of dice. As Tsotsi lay under a tree he begins to hear what he recognizes as footsteps, as he hears them come closer and closer, he moves to get a better vantage point and sees a young woman as. As he studied her more, he began to recognize the symptoms of fear and sees that she was carrying a small parcel and kept checking over her shoulder. Tsotsi grabs her by one arm and swings her into the darkness of the trees, as he pins her against the tree, she takes the parcel and thrusts it into the hands of Tsotsi and runs off. The lid slips off and Tsotsi finds himself looking at the face of a young baby boy.

Chapter 4

Tsotsi heads straight to Cassim’s shop in search of milk for the baby, before he gets courage to go up and talk to Cassim he exits and renters the store multiple times waiting for it to empty. Nervously Cassim sends his wife into the back room to round up their children in case Tsotsi tries to mug them, Tsotsi goes up to the counter and asked to buy some milk. After buying the condensed milk Tsotsi takes the baby back to his room to clean it and feed it, after the baby is all clean and fed, he takes him to the ruins to hide him. After hiding the baby in the ruins Tsotsi begins to remember the “yellow bitch,” the dog that he had when he was a kid. Tsotsi just broke one of his three rules: never ask questions about the past.

Chapter 5

Gumboot Dhlamini is buried and the pastor who is doing his burial is sorely troubled after burying another man whose name no one knows. Boston awakes from his state of unconsciousness and moves for the first time in almost a day. Butcher and Die Aap begin to talk about Tsotsi beating Boston and begin to wonder what the future holds for their gang. Tsotsi, Butcher and Die Aap find each other and begin to do what they do on any other night, sit around and drink waiting for Tsotsi to make the decision of what job they will do. Without Boston’s stories conversation ended rather quickly and Tsotsi decides they will head into the city tonight.

Chapter 6

Tsotsi, Butcher, and Die Aap wait for the shadows to become long enough so that when they are, they can head to terminal place. When they get to terminal place Tsotsi steps on Morris Tshabalala’s – a crippled man who lost his legs in a work accident – hand and decides that he will be his target tonight. As Morris continues on his way home, he realizes that Tsotsi is following him, he hopes that if he continues on his way, he will lose Tsotsi before he has to go through the dark part of his journey. He stops for some food at the Bantu house and then continues on his way. As he gets to the dark part of his journey, he realizes that even though he feels like a “half-man” he does want to live. He leaves his money in a pile underneath a light hoping Tsotsi would just take the money and leave him alone. When Tsotsi kicks the money and continues walking towards Morris he begins to throw rocks and shout insults in order to defend himself.

Chapter 7

As Tsotsi followed Morris he began to realize that he crawls like the “yellow bitch” used to, dragging his body around since he doesn’t have any legs. Tsotsi confronts Morris in the street and tells him that he feels for him, after he does this Morris tells him why he wants to live. After he tells Tsotsi all the reasons he wants to live he confronts him about why Tsotsi has to kill him. Tsotsi then realizes that he doesn’t have to kill him and that it’s he is able to choose to let him live. Tsotsi then decides he will find out who he is and what happened in his past.

Chapter 8

Boston awakes to the sound of church bells begins to think about his faith in God. Tsotsi returns to the ruins to find the baby covered head to toe in ants and instead of leaving it he cleans the ants off the baby. We then are taken to Waterworks square where a young mother by the name of Miriam Ngidi waits in the long line to get to the tap. Miriam is a single mother because one day her husband, Simon, left and never returned. Tsotsi takes her to his room and forces her to feed the baby. Miriam feeds and cleans off the baby.

Chapter 9

Tsotsi Chapter 7 Summary Chapter 1

Tsotsi begins to remember his past, he begins to see his old home and how happy he was living with his mother. Eventually the flashback leads him to the events that happened on the day that his mother was taken to jail. As his father returns after being away from the family for a long time, he becomes furious when he finds out his wife has been taken to prison. During the outrage the father kicks the dog breaking its back, the dog then gives birth to a litter of pups who soon die. David then runs away from home where he is welcomed to the river gang which is lead buy a boy named Petah. He then decides to abandon his identity and start his life under the new name Tsotsi.

Chapter 10

Die Aap visits Tsotsi to ask about the next job, Tsotsi tells him that the gang has been disbanded and that he would no longer be doing the jobs that they used to. Die Aap leaves after him and Tsotsi hear the baby cry. Tsotsi then takes out the baby; staring at it he finally realizes that the baby is helping him remember his past. Miriam comes to Tsotsi’s room to feed the baby and later asked Tsotsi if she can have him because she would be able to take care of him best. Tsotsi won’t let her take the baby because he is Tsotsi’s baby. Tsotsi tells Miriam that the babies name was David and that he was notches father but David belonged to him. Miriam leaves and gives Tsotsi some milk for the baby, Tsotsi takes David back to the ruins and begins to wonder where Boston was and leaves to go and find him.

Chapter 11

Tsotsi eventually finds Boston passed out of the floor of a bar. Tsotsi helps him up and carries him back to his house to take care of him. Fugard begins to reveal to us the life that Boston has led, how he was mistakenly expelled from college, how he illegally sold fake passbooks to people and then how a guy as smart as he became a part of the gang. As Boston awakes Tsotsi begins to tell him about his experience with Morris and asks him questions about how he is changing. Boston tells him that they are all sick of life and seek God. Boston then leaves in search of his mother.

Chapter 12

Isaiah sits in the church garden planting flowers where Tsotsi, who was on his way to seek redemption from God, finds him he explains how he works for God and that when he rings the church bell it calls to all the other people who believe in god and invites him back next time the bells ring to find God. Tsotsi then finds Miriam again to feed the baby. As she feeds the baby Tsotsi realizes that mothers really do love their children and that in order for you to move into the future you have to let your past go. Miriam then asks him to let her have the baby again but, he does not leave the baby with her because he doesn’t quite trust her yet. After he goes to church Tsotsi then decides that he will go back to his childhood name, David Mondondo. As he heads back to the ruins, he hears bulldozers taking down the walls, he runs into the building only focused on one thing, finding the baby. He runs straight to the corner where the baby lay, where he and the baby would be crushed by the ceiling. The workers who recover his body minutes later agree that his smile was beautiful and strange for a Tsotsi.